Nutrigenomic & Epigenetics Training Program | Nutrition Genome

The Nutrition Genome Nutrigenomic and Epigenetic Training Program

Our free healthcare practitioner training program includes 9 courses designed to empower your clinical application of nutrigenomics and epigenetics. The training modules can be completed on your own time.

Based off of Nutrition Genome’s DNA health testing services, our practitioner training provides in depth analysis of Digestion, Methylation, Hormones, Neurotransmitters & Mental Health, Inflammation & Antioxidant Protection, Detoxification, DNA Protection / Damage / Repair, Cardiovascular Health, and Athletic Performance. 

Join a thriving global community of practitioners as we debut new research and continue to innovate in the rapidly advancing field of nutrigenomics.

Nutrigenomic Training Summary 

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Learn about macronutrient intake, clinical connection to FUT2 and diversified plant intake, folate levels, choline requirements, pregnancy, mood, and mental health, and clinical connection to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. 

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Review the role of MTHFR, PEMT, MTR, MTRR, CBS and TCN2 in the Methylation Cycle. Learn how folate, B2, B6, B12, choline, and betaine intake ranges based on genetic variants. 

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Hormones and Detoxification

Understanding gene function can help balance hormones and create an efficient detoxification system. We’ll analyze DI01, DI02, Thyroid health, and the clinical connection ot estrogen metabolism gene variants. 

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Breast Health and Infertility

We’ll review genetic susceptibilities to infertility, breast cancer prevention strategies, and genetic susceptibilities to autoimmune disorders. 

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Neurotransmitters & Mental Health

We’ll review emotional epigenomics and serotonin levels, the affects of gene function on dopamine and adrenaline levels, GAD1 gene analysis for glutamate and GABA, glutamate levels and genes BDNF and SLC17A7, and review the APOE gene. 

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Inflammation and Longevity

We’ll review nitric oxide genes and inflammatory disorders, SOD2, SOD3, Catalase, clinical connection to the antioxidant genes and chemotherapy, glutathione, eye disorders, and estrogen and testosterone’s influence on antioxidant status. 

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DNA Protection, Damage and Repair

We’ll review the genes ATM, ERS2, and Tp53 for pancreatic, breast, prostate, and skin health. We’ll also analyze MLH1 and GATA3 for colon health. 

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Cardio and Athletic Performance

Gain a competitive edge through understanding caffeine metabolism, blood clots, triglycerides, stress, muscle recovery, injury prevention, VO2 max, required plant-intake for heart health and more. 

Practitioner Referral Program

We’re excited to offer you the opportunity to be featured on our website as a Nutrition Genome recommended practitioner!

Our recommended practitioners are featured on our ‘Find a practitioner’ page on our website. This referral program has proved highly beneficial to our customers in finding further guidance to optimize their results and for our practitioners listed to receive new clients to their practice without any outreach needed on their part. 

We receive numerous emails daily from our customers looking for a local practitioner to interpret their Nutrition Genome results, and we are highly selective with our referral process to ensure that our customers get the best from their report. For a one time fee of $249 (and a successful pass completion of our 14 training modules) we will add you to our practitioner database for the potential of immediate customer referral.

The Nutrition Genome Report is unique and requires a deeper understanding of nutrigenomics and epigenomics to connect the dots from the results. Our training increases your genetic knowledge, shows you how to combine genes, and how to apply the results to a patient. This increases the probability of a successful consultation for both the practitioner and the patient.

In order to be a recommended practitioner, we require that you purchase our “Advanced Nutrigenomic Training” course and pass the final exam with a score of 85% or higher. This will allow you to feel confident with the clinical application of our report, and it will boost your knowledge of this amazing growing field of nutrigenomics and epigenomics to enhance your practice.

We couldn’t be more excited to welcome you into the Nutrition Genome network of practitioners, and we really look forward to a united effort in making this world a healthier, happier place!

*This exam does not provide a certification or licensing. To qualify for the exam, we require the following credentials to be listed on Nutrition Genome: MD, ND, DC, L.Ac., RDN, RN, IFM or a master’s degree or higher in nutrition or other science-related fields. Please read all terms & conditions HERE.

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We require the following credentials to qualify to be listed as one of our recommended practitioners: MD, ND, DC, L.Ac., RDN, RN, or IFM. Please make sure you have one of these credentials listed before purchasing the exam. 

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The Nutrition Genome exam consists of 9 modules. Each exam module follows the same order of the Nutrition Genome nutrigenomics training program and can be taken at your own pace. 

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Congratulations, you’ve completed the exam! We require a score of 85% or higher to pass each module. Upon a pass completion of all the modules, you will be required to provide a high-resolution photo, and your contact information to be added to our Find a Practitioner page to gain exposure to referral traffic as one of our recommended practitioners!

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Sample Identified by Barcode Only

Your health report lives on a HIPPA server guarded under lock and key

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CLIA / CAP Laboratory

Each sample undergoes three stages of quality assurance