Where Genetics Meets Nutrition
Genes are not your destiny, they are your blueprint. Come on a journey with us as we guide you through our cutting edge nutrigenomics research and explore the fascinating world of DNA nutrition testing. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive blog updates for natural solutions to change your health and happiness. Plus, be the first to know on all service & promotion updates.
How Agriculture Changed the TCF7L2 Gene and Carbohydrate Intake
Environments with shifting macronutrient supplies are strong selective genetic signals for energy metabolism. How do people become more or less adapted to varying levels of carbohydrate intake? The answer can be found in ancestral migration routes based on latitudes...
What Genes Benefit the Most from Coffee?
The health benefits of coffee are well documented in numerous published studies. The positive actions are often due to polyphenols like chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and the diterpenes cafestol and kahweol, not necessarily the caffeine. Many studies find a negative...
Does the Ketogenic Diet Work for APOE4?
Over the last few years, a lot of interest and research has gone into the possibility that the ketogenic diet can be beneficial for Alzheimer's disease prevention or treatment. We wanted to give you a review of what the current research says about the ketogenic diet...
Analyzing the Nutrition Genome Report for Skin Health
In the 1930s, people's lifetime risk in the U.S. of developing invasive malignant melanoma was 1 in 1,500. Currently, the risk is 1 in 59. From 2012 to 2022, the number of new invasive melanoma cases diagnosed annually increased by 31 percent. For non-melanoma skin...
How Does the APOE Gene Affect Fertility?
APOE and Progesterone In the Nutrition Genome Report, there is a slider in the Hormone section for women called Progesterone and Fertility. APOE is a significant cholesterol precursor supplier to produce ovarian estrogen and progesterone. Women with at least one...
How the HFE and Tp53 Gene Affect Fertility
World Infertility Awareness Month is observed every June to increase awareness of infertility worldwide. This week we will look at two genes that are strongly correlated with environmental pressure: HFE and Tp53. The HFE Gene and Fertility The human hemochromatosis...
How the MTHFR and PEMT Genes Affect Fertility
World Infertility Awareness Month is celebrated every June to increase awareness of infertility worldwide. For week 2 of the series, we will be reviewing the research on folate metabolism, choline metabolism, and infertility. Review the MTHFR and PEMT Genes Variants...
How Toxins and Micronutrients Affect Fertility
Analyzing the Nutrition Genome Report for Infertility: World Infertility Awareness Month is celebrated every June to increase awareness of infertility worldwide. From 1960 to 2019, global fertility rates dropped more than 10 percent per decade and more than 50 percent...
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