Where genetics meets lifestyle
We’ll show you how to modify your diet, lifestyle, and environment through nutrigenomics and epigenetics for a whole body approach to thriving health!
What is MTHFR C677T? DNA-Based Nutrition
What is MTHFR C677T? Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase is labeled for both an enzyme and a gene. The MTHFR C677T gene produces a functioning MTHFR enzyme that converts methyfolate to 5-MTHF and helps regulate homocysteine levels. If the MTHFR C677T gene has...
How the APOE Gene Affects the Immune System
The International Journal of Medicine published a commentary in late April 2020 titled, “Does apolipoprotein E genotype predict COVID-19 severity?” The researchers argue that it is possible that having one or two copies of APOE-E4 allele predisposes one to be at high...
How Agriculture Changed the TCF7L2 Gene and Carbohydrate Intake
Environments with shifting macronutrient supplies are strong selective genetic signals for energy metabolism. How do people become more or less adapted to varying levels of carbohydrate intake? The answer can be found in ancestral migration routes based on latitudes...
What Genes Benefit the Most from Coffee?
The health benefits of coffee are well documented in numerous published studies. The positive actions are often due to polyphenols like chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and the diterpenes cafestol and kahweol, not necessarily the caffeine. Many studies find a negative...
Does the Ketogenic Diet Work for APOE4?
Over the last few years, a lot of interest and research has gone into the possibility that the ketogenic diet can be beneficial for Alzheimer's disease prevention or treatment. We wanted to give you a review of what the current research says about the ketogenic diet...
Analyzing the Nutrition Genome Report for Skin Health
In the 1930s, people's lifetime risk in the U.S. of developing invasive malignant melanoma was 1 in 1,500. Currently, the risk is 1 in 59. From 2012 to 2022, the number of new invasive melanoma cases diagnosed annually increased by 31 percent. For non-melanoma skin...
We are your whole body, life long genetic guide for thriving health.
All science, no hype. Our analysis includes 8 targeted reports designed to bring your whole body into balance through strategic modifications to your diet, environment, and lifestyle.

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